Antipodean59's Blog

Restored New Testament Christianity

Archive for the tag “New Zealand Parliament”

Thought For The Week

A Sad Day For New Zealand Ethics

Today I awoke to hear the sad and horrible news that the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill passed its first hurdle in Parliament last night by having its first reading to the tune of a vote by two to one in favour along with our homosexual condoning Prime Minister John Key saying it is a “strong endorsement for equality of rights” and “It puts the bill in a strong place to potentially become law given you’ve got more than two thirds of Parliament voting for it” [NZ Herald 30 August 2012]. This is a Bill presented by an opposition MP who happens to be homosexual and drawn out of the ballot box that has now put New Zealand firmly on the road to Sodom and Gomorrah’s condemnation. These two cities are famous for God’s wrath and condemnation because of their wicked homosexual behaviour recorded in Genesis 19. Sodom is where the term sodomy comes from and is the term of intercourse used by homosexual men for sexual pleasure; hence, the name sodomite stands for a homosexual man. This behaviour which the Bible describes as “against nature…shameful…debased…not fitting” (Romans 1:26-28) is so abhorrent to God that such who commit this type of wickedness cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven (I Corinthian 6:9).

Why would New Zealanders want to engage in such a radical departure from what was, until the late 1970s, a crime punishable by prison sentence? Simple really, the vast majority do not believe nor take God and His word seriously enough to warrant His inclusion in their thinking just like in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. However, just as man’s wickedness increased in those days whereby the sodomites were invading homes and raping boys and men to their fancy (Genesis 19:4-5), so too, I believe we will see the day when these perverts will not be satisfied with their parliamentary gain but will want to engage in with impunity more debauched acts some of which they are now well known for such as paedophilia and the likes.

The warning issued in the book of Psalms to Doeg for the betrayal of King David is, I believe, applicable to the lawmakers of New Zealand for betraying the people with this evil, despicable bill: “Why boastest thou thyself in mischief, O mighty man? The goodness of God endureth continually. Thy tongue deviseth mischiefs; like a sharp razor, working deceitfully. Thou lovest evil more than good; and lying rather than to speak righteousness. Thou lovest all devouring words, O thou deceitful tongue. God shall likewise destroy thee for ever” (Psalm 52:1-5). God will not be mocked, for, “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34).

New Zealand, you have been warned.


New Zealand’s Dangerous Leader For Humanity

New Zealand has a very dangerous  leader at its helm, for humanity, that is. This man’s name is John Key. A rather affable character that aided his appeal to lead the National Party in the mid 2000’s who then went on to become prime Minister in 2008 and thereafter reelected in 2011. Before that his appeal lie in the belief that he was conservative, for he made seemingly all the right moves especially it seems in finance where he had a reputation at Merrill Lynch as a being a ruthless foreign exchange money trader. However, even before election in 2008 he started to reveal his true colours by making a deal with the then extremely liberal and Fabian social engineer Labour Prime Minister Helen Clark aiding the leftists to repeal what is the Section 59 of the Crimes Act and now disaffectionately know as the “anti-smacking bill”. This bill was introduced as a result of a communist led Green Party initiative that Clark was obliged to support due to the two parties having a coalition agreement on supply and confidence. In New Zealand it is now unlawful to smack your child for misbehaving and if you happen to violate this law you will have your children removed by the NZ Police and charged and convicted in the courts. Even your neighbour or someone who witnesses you smacking a child is liable for a prison sentence if they do not report you (reminds you of a certain Reischstag regime, huh?).  It is worth noting that child misbehaviour has now reached cronic proportions ever since because the children know they will not meet any discernible punishment.

But getting back to that rascal Key. He came out recently in fact almost simultaneous with that other leftist rascal over in the USA, you know, Obama, by declaring his support for homosexuals to have the right to marry. This is why he earned the term “Me To” for any suggestion made by someone else he would say, “me to.” However, it is somewhat puzzling when one considers he is proud of his Jewish ancestry. I guess he does not know that the Jews were adherents to the Old Testament which expressly forbids such unnatural behaviour. But that’s not all, folks. Now he has come out in favour of euthanasia – yeah, the so-called good death. Once again expressly forbidden in the Old Testament but hey who cares about that Bible stuff, eh? Once again a little research into the mindset of this dangerous man would reveal he voted in favour of a bill brought before the NZ Parliament in 2003 by an equally dangerous leftist, Peter Brown who called it Death With Dignity. Some dignity to be rushed into hell, I must say.

All in all, New Zealand is fast becoming a dangerous place to live for you do not know when the police will come a knocking because maybe someone takes a grudge against you and will make an unsubstantiated complaint that you smacked you child, or perhaps you are the cause of hatred and bigoted thoughts meaning you will be locked up for hate crimes, for make no mistake this is coming, for already NZ’s sixth largest city Dunedin City Council deems any site opposed to gay marriage is a hate monger site and is blocked but gay sites are not. And now that Key makes head lines by again not only backing euthanasia but saying it is already happening in NZ hospitals which, I might add his claims are much to the absolute denial from hospital clinicians [NZ Herald 24 Aug, 2012].

Now where is the unrest from the general public on these matters? There is none, for this man still enjoys a 50 percent approval rating and looks set to continue in the short term at least because the political opposition is an absolute shambles but even should they get their act together they would be worse for the country, for as the West Coast-Tasman Labour MP Damien O’Connor says his Labour Party is made up of a prominent “gaggle of gays” anyway.

Yeah, I guess you could say we are doomed and being led by the “smiling assassin”, Key and it may be sooner rather than later.

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