Antipodean59's Blog

Restored New Testament Christianity

Archive for the category “News”

No voter fraud, huh?

The Real Issue In Ferguson, Missouri

Bill Whittle simply and factually gives a great rundown on what is really at stake in Ferguson, Missouri.

160 Children Have Been Sacrificed To Dig Gaza Tunnels

Islamic Jihad

According to PoorRichardsNews  160 children have died digging the tunnels that Israel is currently destroying. Not only is the terrorist organisation Hamas being shielded by family homes and school yards and using such to launch their rockets against Israel but they have also sacrificed innocent children for their filthy campaign of sheer violence.

Elbert Guillory: “Why I Am a Republican”

Wow! Listen up America, this man is frank and honest and eloquent to boot.

Exposing Ugly Islam

Islam is a religion; a man-made religion set up by Mohammad a mere 1200 years ago. It was and still is a violent religion that is brutal to its core. Rudyard Kipling called it the “Thuggee Cult” for a very good reason and that is because of its abominable treatment of people who disagree with it. They rape, pillage and murder their way through the world and it’s no wonder because that was Mohammad’s modus operandi for subjugation.

I will share with you the Noisy Room that has an article about the beautiful woman below to illustrate this very point today. Yes, this is happening in 2013 folks. Get your head out of the sand and expose this filthy religion for what it is. Oh, and don’t hand me that “peaceful” garbage in defense of this monstrous piece of devil’s trash – that’s a line spun by the idiot liberals in the west who also peddle their filthy trash in the form of progressive socialism.

Raped Now Dead

A 28-year-old beautiful beautician traineee was arrested at a major demonstration in Tehran, imprisoned for a couple of weeks, of course raped repeatedly. Her body was found outside of Tehran in a shallow grave, partialy burnt. Police advised parents to keep quiet. The lovely face of resistance.

New Zealand’s Dangerous Leader For Humanity

New Zealand has a very dangerous  leader at its helm, for humanity, that is. This man’s name is John Key. A rather affable character that aided his appeal to lead the National Party in the mid 2000’s who then went on to become prime Minister in 2008 and thereafter reelected in 2011. Before that his appeal lie in the belief that he was conservative, for he made seemingly all the right moves especially it seems in finance where he had a reputation at Merrill Lynch as a being a ruthless foreign exchange money trader. However, even before election in 2008 he started to reveal his true colours by making a deal with the then extremely liberal and Fabian social engineer Labour Prime Minister Helen Clark aiding the leftists to repeal what is the Section 59 of the Crimes Act and now disaffectionately know as the “anti-smacking bill”. This bill was introduced as a result of a communist led Green Party initiative that Clark was obliged to support due to the two parties having a coalition agreement on supply and confidence. In New Zealand it is now unlawful to smack your child for misbehaving and if you happen to violate this law you will have your children removed by the NZ Police and charged and convicted in the courts. Even your neighbour or someone who witnesses you smacking a child is liable for a prison sentence if they do not report you (reminds you of a certain Reischstag regime, huh?).  It is worth noting that child misbehaviour has now reached cronic proportions ever since because the children know they will not meet any discernible punishment.

But getting back to that rascal Key. He came out recently in fact almost simultaneous with that other leftist rascal over in the USA, you know, Obama, by declaring his support for homosexuals to have the right to marry. This is why he earned the term “Me To” for any suggestion made by someone else he would say, “me to.” However, it is somewhat puzzling when one considers he is proud of his Jewish ancestry. I guess he does not know that the Jews were adherents to the Old Testament which expressly forbids such unnatural behaviour. But that’s not all, folks. Now he has come out in favour of euthanasia – yeah, the so-called good death. Once again expressly forbidden in the Old Testament but hey who cares about that Bible stuff, eh? Once again a little research into the mindset of this dangerous man would reveal he voted in favour of a bill brought before the NZ Parliament in 2003 by an equally dangerous leftist, Peter Brown who called it Death With Dignity. Some dignity to be rushed into hell, I must say.

All in all, New Zealand is fast becoming a dangerous place to live for you do not know when the police will come a knocking because maybe someone takes a grudge against you and will make an unsubstantiated complaint that you smacked you child, or perhaps you are the cause of hatred and bigoted thoughts meaning you will be locked up for hate crimes, for make no mistake this is coming, for already NZ’s sixth largest city Dunedin City Council deems any site opposed to gay marriage is a hate monger site and is blocked but gay sites are not. And now that Key makes head lines by again not only backing euthanasia but saying it is already happening in NZ hospitals which, I might add his claims are much to the absolute denial from hospital clinicians [NZ Herald 24 Aug, 2012].

Now where is the unrest from the general public on these matters? There is none, for this man still enjoys a 50 percent approval rating and looks set to continue in the short term at least because the political opposition is an absolute shambles but even should they get their act together they would be worse for the country, for as the West Coast-Tasman Labour MP Damien O’Connor says his Labour Party is made up of a prominent “gaggle of gays” anyway.

Yeah, I guess you could say we are doomed and being led by the “smiling assassin”, Key and it may be sooner rather than later.

Thought for the week

The debate that is raging at the moment is all about “gay marriage” and the rights and wrongs of it that I feel compelled to add it is fuelled by liberal politicians such as US President Obama and New Zealand Prime Minister Key to garner political “Brownie Points”. My question is: Is it possible that this issue can ever be solved through a method devoid of higher authority? I say no! For as the Bible says, ” No one is good but One, that is, God” (Mark 10:18). Let’s be honest, man’s premise of atheism cannot account for moral behaviour such as marriage, for atheism itself is mere opinion devoid of objective proof. Go ahead; prove to me there is no God. Tolerance, remember, is that one man’s opinion is no better or worse than another’s so you must objectively, as God says, “prove all things” (I Thessalonians 5:21).

Soon after the Second World War 22 high ranking officers of the Nazi regime were brought to justice in the Bavarian city of Nuremberg, the birth place of the Nazi Party. The Allies used the newly created London Charter of the International Military Tribunal, which differed from individual Allied nation’s laws, to prosecute these criminals. The Nazi defence argued on the grounds of subjectivity saying they were “only acting under orders”. That is to say, as it was legal in Germany to pursue war and the associated atrocities that thereafter occurred, each officer was merely following a superior’s order. Instead of arguing the defenders’ point, the Allied prosecution appealed to a higher authority’s objectivity; that is, The “Nuremberg Principals” which consisted of seven articles with this basic principal in mind: that an individual or head of state “who commits an act which constitutes a crime under international law is responsible therefore and liable to punishment.” To this day, no nation has the subjective right to sanction murder without consequence from an international high authority.

So the “gay marriage” argument pursued without a higher authority’s input is merely an argument devoid of objective proof. Many people of all sorts of secular backgrounds and viewpoints now argue for the right of homosexuals to be legally married. In a similar fashion many people in Nazi controlled Germany from all sorts of secular and even religious backgrounds argued for the right to exterminate Poles, Dutch, French, British, and Jews etc. through their act of war. Yet, in both cases, while being legal according to constitutional governance that does not mean it is morally right.

As I stated in the beginning, man is not the inventor of morals, for if so, that would constitute morals based upon mere opinion. The God of the Bible claims He is the higher authority regarding morals (Mark 10:18); therefore man needs to appeal to He who is “good” for the right for homosexuals to marry. Without fear of a true and valid contradiction I will point out from His New Testament (mankind is subject to the new covenant today so don’t do as many are apt to do in this debate and appeal to nonsensical arguments based on the old covenant’s statutes) that giving homosexuals the right to marry would be sinful. Go to Romans 1:18-32; I Corinthians 6:9; I Timothy 1:10 where the Holy Spirit guided apostle states unequivocally that practicing homosexuality is condemned.


The news just keeps getting worse for the Global Warmists

New report says the Antarctic ice-shelf is not melting after all. Now why does that not surprise me?

Latest Global Temperature Chart Disputes Global Warming

Anyone remotely interested in the so-called Global Warming crisis knows who Dr James Hansen is. He is the wizz bang kid who tried to convince us since the 1970s that global temperatures are a thing to be worried about. He has had three goes at trying to push his ideas as being credible. He even convinced failed US Presidential candidate Al Gore that his data was factual to which Al responded with the movie “An Inconvenient Truth” which has been force-fed to gullible little school children ever since. Problem is each time Hansen produced his evidence someone of high acclaim has produced the counter evidence to repudiate it.

The following link is to the chart that shows right up to May 2012 what the temperatures are really doing. NB: be careful to notice the curved median line running through the middle, for while it may be true to have the occasion where one or two years are higher it is also noteworthy to see the years when it is cooler. Also note how events such as Mt Pinatubo and El Nino have a dramatic effect on temperatures which such temperatures are effected not by man’s puny input but natural events.

The trend is obvious to the truth seeker but of course the Hansen slanted eye will never believe it even if an ice age were to suddenly form.


Obama’s Implication

Writing in WND Commentary today, Joseph Farah raises an interesting thought regarding President Obama’s invocation of Executive Privilege.

When Barack Obama claimed executive privilege today in an effort to protect Attorney General Eric Holder from a contempt-of-Congress charge in the Fast and Furious gunrunning scandal, he may have inadvertently exposed himself as an accessory to murder.

For eight months, Holder has been stonewalling congressional investigators looking into the Justice Department scandal responsible for the deaths of at least two U.S. law enforcement officers and untold numbers of civilians on either side of the border with Mexico.

When asked earlier this year when he first learned about Fast and Furious, Holder claimed about two weeks earlier. Later, congressional investigators found documents proving he had known about it for at least a year and a half longer.
Holder also claimed the Bush administration started the program and that his predecessor knew all about it. When pressed on that point by Sen. Charles Grassley, Holder and the Justice Department retracted the claim.
Holder then offered the House Judiciary Committee, headed by Rep. Darrell Issa, a deal. Holder would provide all the documents the committee demanded for a pledge to close the investigation.

Issa, of course, reacted incredulously. What would be the point of an investigation if the results were predetermined by the target of the investigation? What investigator in his right mind would accept such a deal?

Then Obama stepped in and claimed executive privilege.

Now understand what this means. Obama cannot claim executive privilege for any member of his administration. He can only do so for himself and his inner circle of advisers, and should never do so unless it’s a matter of national security.

What Obama did, in apparent desperation, was to expose his own personal complicity in this scandal, making him, quite possibly, an accessory to murder.

Can you imagine how big this scandal is and how far it reaches for the administration to take such a gamble?

Even the once-friendly media are seeing through this charade.

Obama sniffed in 2007 how unreasonable it was for George W. Bush to claim executive privilege regarding the dismissal of a handful of Justice Department lawyers. Bill Clinton fired ALL of his federal prosecutors the day he took office. Not a single Democrat blinked.

But now we’re talking about a scandal in which people, Americans, law enforcement officers and, no doubt, Mexican and U.S. citizens, were murdered by weapons purposely placed into the hands of the drug cartels in Mexico and the U.S.

Those old enough will recall how Democrats were outraged by the claim of executive privilege by Richard Nixon during Watergate. I was one of them. But no one died in Watergate. Fast and Furious is about murder – and complicity by the U.S. Justice Department. Now we learn, by Obama’s own admission, he was somehow involved.

But it gets worse. Obama must now explain the following: Fifteen months ago, Holder pledged full cooperation in the congressional investigation into Fast and Furious. He didn’t mean it, of course. But he pledged it any way. Now Obama has claimed executive privilege. That, of course, raises the question of what happened in the last 15 months to make this, suddenly, a state secret to be guarded by executive privilege.

I can only hope and pray that Republicans in Congress stand united in demanding the truth be told to the American people and that justice be served. In addition, though unlikely, it might be a good time for some Democrats in Congress to realize that they, too, are participating in one of the most evil, immoral, illegal cover-ups in American political history. If they have any conscience at all, it might be a good time to rediscover it.

Obama is going down for this – whether it’s in the election in November or before. Democrats should start deciding now if they want to go down with him or stand up for principle as many Republicans did during the darkest days of Watergate.

Joseph Farah (22 June 2012)

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