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Archive for the category “Opinion”

The Real Issue In Ferguson, Missouri

Bill Whittle simply and factually gives a great rundown on what is really at stake in Ferguson, Missouri.

160 Children Have Been Sacrificed To Dig Gaza Tunnels

Islamic Jihad

According to PoorRichardsNews  160 children have died digging the tunnels that Israel is currently destroying. Not only is the terrorist organisation Hamas being shielded by family homes and school yards and using such to launch their rockets against Israel but they have also sacrificed innocent children for their filthy campaign of sheer violence.

Only In Obama’s America





A good friend alerted me to the following writer’s post that makes for interesting reading. It is an outline of what the “amateur” (the Clinton’s estimation, not mine but I endorse) Obama has achieved in the five years of his disastrous administration.

Former Boston Herald writer Don Feder

Standing Up To The Enviro Bullies

Boxing kangarooTreehugger






“The government’s document also says that Australia “will not support any measures which are socialism masquerading as environmentalism” The Australian

As a Kiwi I will give the Aussies this, they are prepared to stand up to the enviro bullies. Don’t you just love the terminology “socialism masquerading as environmentalism” – Amen!

A Plea To The Tea Party From New Zealand


Many Tea Partiers and American patriots understand that the fate of the United States of America hangs in the balance.

Tea partynnnn

No melodrama here. If the US loses its position as the world’s number one military super power, another country, or countries, will take its place.

Realistically, that can only be Russia or China, or more likely, an alliance of Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Vietnam and whoever ever else climbs aboard.

As the U.S. Dollar slowly sinks and America’s prestige and power goes with it, the “Evil Axis” grows bolder.

But why should I care? I’m safe aren’t I? Way down at the bottom of the South Pacific, in New Zealand.

Well, maybe not so safe. China is steadily advancing through the Pacific. It now has several footholds in our region, particularly in Fiji, which is my country’s nearest major island neighbor. To any thinking Aussie or Kiwi, this is cause for major concern.

in June of 2012, Song Xiaojun, a “retired” Chinese general, told Australia’s Sydney Morning Herald, that “Australia has to find a godfather sooner or later…” “Australia always has to depend on somebody else, whether it is to be the ‘son’ of the U.S. or ‘son’ of China,” Song said, adding that Australia had best choose China because it all “depends on who is more powerful and based on the strategic environment.”

If America goes under folks, the West goes under. No ifs, no buts. Only a strong America can keep the bad guys in check. Just as soldiers from all over the world fought in Europe and the Pacific to save liberty in WW2, today’s freedom lovers need to join the fight to save the US. Once liberty was fought for in the Coral Sea, Guadalcanal, Normandy and Sicily. Now if liberty is to be saved, we must win the electoral battles of Florida, Ohio, Virginia and Colorado.

From my home in Christchurch, I recently spent an hour on the phone with a savvy Florida activist. She outlined for me the crushing problems being faced by American patriots, in the face of a relentless leftist onslaught from the Obama Administration. According to my usually optimistic friend, much of the Tea Party is in disarray, the GOP leadership is even more arrogant and out of touch than usual and if the Dems pass “immigration reform” the Republic will be swamped with millions of new loyal Democrats, effectively turning the US into a permanent “one party state.”

And to cap that, now I’m hearing whispers of a third party.

Let’s get real. There is only one vehicle that can take back America from the Democrats and their union and far left allies, in the very limited time we have left. That is the Republican Party. If the Democrats hold the Senate and take back the House in 2014, or even 2016, which they could well do, America is done for.

Illegal immigrants will be granted voting rights and the intimidation tactics now being employed will seem like kindergarten bullying, as the Democrats and unions unleash full force on their remaining opposition. There is a climate of fear now in the United States. If the Democrats get back in full control, they will NEVER relinquish it. This is no longer the old GOP/Dem turnabout game. This is the left for playing keeps and the GOP playing constant catchup.

While I have no particular love for the Republican Party, its hard to see how starting a third party right now could possibly do anything but hand both the House and the Senate to the Dems in 2014 and the presidency to the left in 2016. If that happens, the left will never give up power without bloodshed. If it ever comes to serious civil unrest and the socialist’s power is actually threatened, foreign troops will be called in to restore order. That will be the end of America – and of the entire West. A peaceful revolution is our only realistic hope.

So what to do? A third party will almost certainly hand America to the tyrants. The GOP leadership is ineffectual at best, often cowardly and unprincipled – occasionally even treacherous.

But the GOP does have a structure, a brand, some money, hundreds of thousands of dedicated activists and tens of millions of voters.

That is not something to throw away.

The Tea Party faces a choice. They can “throw their toys out of the cot” as we say in New Zealand and walk away from the GOP. They can work on local issues alone, or dissolve, or form a third party. Satisfying as those options may be, they are almost certainly guaranteed to consign your children and grandchildren to a life of slavery – at best.

So what is the alternative?

I have addressed more than 150 Tea Party groups. I have met thousands of activists. You people are the best of America. I write this on the verge of tears as I remember the amazing patriots, thinkers and activists I have met on my four speaking tours of your amazing country. If America is to be saved, you will do it. No other movement has the energy, drive, commitment, fortitude, foresight or integrity of the Tea Party patriots.

You however have one major weakness. You lack self confidence.

The vast majority of you are political novices. You take too much advice from your self appointed “betters” in the GOP and the mainstream conservative movement. This was illustrated in places like Florida, last year, where the Tea Party activists were “forbidden”  from pushing the illegal immigrant issue by various “consultants’ and GOP hacks.

The Tea Party needs to realize you have the truth on your side. You are real people, with roots in your communities. Many of you are veterans. You are far more in touch with voters than any GOP blueblood or K street consultant ever will be.

So what should your wonderful movement do?

Here is my advice. It is far from perfect, but I hope it will at least add to the debate.


I’ve met a lot of Tea Partiers working inside the GOP. Some of them very successfully. However what tends to happen is that many of them become marginalized by GOP “moderates” and their good work comes to little.

In Australia, the Labor Party – the counterpart, of your Democrats, operates in two main formalized factions – the conservative/moderate Labor Unity and the Socialist Left. One party, two power blocs. Effectively two separate organizations within a one party structure. The two factions horse trade, do deals, fight like cats and dogs, compete viciously with each other, yet at election time, stand as a “united front” against their conservative opposition.

I’m suggesting that the  Tea Party should adopt a variant of this approach. Join the GOP en masse, but don’t dilute your  efforts by operating as scattered individuals inside the GOP structure. If the tea parties collectively become say, a “Constitutional Caucus”, within the GOP, you could maintain your agenda and your integrity, but would also have the advantage of GOP structure, branding and the ability to actually get your candidates elected. Don’t join GOP branches, BECOME GOP BRANCHES.

There need be nothing covert about this. Tea Party groups should identify themselves openly as Constitutional Republicans and refuse to be in any way subservient to head office dictates. Put the GOP old guard on notice that you are here to take over their party and restore it to its constitutional foundations. Openly state that you regard them as usurpers until proven otherwise.

Boldly proclaim that you fully intend to bloc vote your way into positions of influence and that you will work with other Constitutionalists in your state and nationally to primary GOP candidates, no matter how long serving, who do not actively support in word and deed, the US Constitution. TAKE NO PRISONERS.

Concentrate your resources. Pick winnable fights only. Do not primary candidates you cannot defeat this election cycle. I’ve seen that happen too often. Tea Party groups targeting scattered RINOs all over the state and not quite beating any of them. Pick a handful winnable races each election cycle and call in fellow Constitutionalists from all over the state to defeat the RINOs and elect some of your own. If they do not respect you MAKE THEM FEAR YOU. The respect will follow later – trust me.

Now is not the time for peripheral issues either. The survival of the United States of America is at stake. The future of Western civilization hangs in the balance. CORE ISSUES ONLY. The Constitution, National Security (including border control, and gun rights), Education and the Economy) . I don’t want to minimize other issues, but this is a last ditch effort to save your country and mine. If we blow this one, there may not be another in our great great grandchildren’s lifetimes.

This is cultural warfare folks and we must concentrate resources on core issue that may actually help to defeat our opponents  in the fast approaching battles ahead.

Logically, the United States of America should never been born. In the 1770′s most Americans were either pro-British or apathetic. Fewer than 10% of the population actually supported the revolution and way fewer actually fought it.

How in God’s name, did a bunch of poorly armed farmers and lawyers, laborers, shopkeepers and tradesmen, seriously hope to defeat the mightiest army in the world at that time? Yet they did it. I left out one important group for a reason. The first American revolution was preached from the pulpit. Hundreds of pastors, a bible in one hand, a long rifle in the other,  boldly supported George Washington’s ragtag army. They understood better than any one that America was founded on religious freedom. They understood exactly what was at stake.

The first American revolutionaries were inspired by something much greater than themselves. You Tea Party revolutionaries always need to keep the big picture in mind.

If you don’t think this war is worth winning, you tell me one that is? If you don’t think your grandchildren’s liberty is worth fighting for,  please tell me what you do care about.

We all admire the first American revolutionaries, for their incredible bravery and fortitude and sacrifice. They risked everything to give you the exceptional  country you enjoy today.

In two hundred years time,  young teenagers will be standing in front of civics and history classes in schools all across America. These young people will talk about their free and prosperous country with great pride. But some of the proudest will be able to say something like this;

“You know guys, you know back in the early 2000s when the country was in crisis, when a lot of people thought America was done for. When patriots stood up and saved the Republic, restored the Constitution? gave us the incredible freedom and prosperity we enjoy today? Well I’ve done some family research. And you know what? my great great great Grandpa and Grandma…they were in the TEA PARTY…”

Your Creator gave you both a heart and a brain folks. Now is the time to use both.

Yours in Liberty

Trevor Loudon

Christchurch, New Zealand

 Trevor Loudon is a blogger and researcher, noted among other things, for exposing the communist background of Obama “Green Jobs Czar” Van Jones, which led to his eventual resignation from his White House position. Loudon was also the first to publicize Barack Obama’s ties to Hawaiian Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis.

Trevor Loudon’s research has been cited by Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, countless articles, blog posts and in books by well known authors Paul Kengor, Aaron Klein and Jerome Corsi. He has addressed Tea Party and patriotic audiences in more than 30 states,  in his four tours of the United States.

Trevor Loudon speaks on internal subversion, communism and socialism, national security, culture and constitutional conservatism.

Elbert Guillory: “Why I Am a Republican”

Wow! Listen up America, this man is frank and honest and eloquent to boot.

ABC, CNN, CBS all knew the truth about Benghazi

Obama sad1973: reporters investigate All the President’s Men. 2013: reporters are All the President’s Men.

You knew the mainstream media was biased, but this is incredible. It was revealed today that CBS News President David Rhodes’ brother is Obama Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes, who was instrumental in rewriting the Benghazi talking points. But it gets worse. It is now learned that ABC President Ben Sherwood’s sister, Dr. Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, is a Special Assistant to Barack Obama on national security affairs. But even this isn’t it! CNN’s deputy bureau chief, Virginia Moseley, is the wife of Tom Nides, who until February was Hillary Clinton’s deputy.

Ben Rhodes is a top NSC advisor with absolutely no foreign policy or military experience. None! This idiot has advocated intervention both in Libya and now Syria. How has that worked out for us? He is responsible for helping to massage the Benghazi talking points to watered down drivel. His greatest accomplishment appears to be a Master’s Degree in fiction writing received from New York University. So perhaps we should call him Obama’s fiction writer!

In what may be a belated effort to salvage its reputation, or perhaps an effort to get the best scoop now that keeping quiet is out of the question, ABC published a story revealing that there were twelve revisions of the Benghazi memo. The final version eradicated all references to terrorists and al Qaeda. Nice work, Mr. Fiction Writer!

Is there any doubt that CBS, ABC and CNN lose all credibility as objective news sources when their top leadership have siblings in top positions in the Obama administration, and do everything they can to suppress absolutely critical national security news for months? Conservative comedic writer IowaHawk tweeted: 1973: reporters investigate All the President’s Men. 2013: reporters are All the President’s Men.


The only mainstream media reporter really doing her job is CBS’s Sharyl Attkison. Attkison has also done a heroic job on the Fast N’ Furious Eric Holder gun running scandal. Now it appears CBS is pressuring her to leave. Gee, wonder why?

Whatever shred of credibility existed among the network news organizations has now been utterly obliterated. We can only hope that the American people get the message. I think it is too late for the networks. And for those who think this is just “old news,” not worth worrying about, I will quote the mother of the murdered Sean Smith:

“I want to wish Hillary a happy Mother’s Day. She’s got her child. I don’t have mine – because of her.”

DC Independent Examiner


More on fraudulent Obama

Wake up America! He feels so cocky now that he can even mock and chide you about these things in the recent correspondents charity event.

Exposing Ugly Islam

Islam is a religion; a man-made religion set up by Mohammad a mere 1200 years ago. It was and still is a violent religion that is brutal to its core. Rudyard Kipling called it the “Thuggee Cult” for a very good reason and that is because of its abominable treatment of people who disagree with it. They rape, pillage and murder their way through the world and it’s no wonder because that was Mohammad’s modus operandi for subjugation.

I will share with you the Noisy Room that has an article about the beautiful woman below to illustrate this very point today. Yes, this is happening in 2013 folks. Get your head out of the sand and expose this filthy religion for what it is. Oh, and don’t hand me that “peaceful” garbage in defense of this monstrous piece of devil’s trash – that’s a line spun by the idiot liberals in the west who also peddle their filthy trash in the form of progressive socialism.

Raped Now Dead

A 28-year-old beautiful beautician traineee was arrested at a major demonstration in Tehran, imprisoned for a couple of weeks, of course raped repeatedly. Her body was found outside of Tehran in a shallow grave, partialy burnt. Police advised parents to keep quiet. The lovely face of resistance.

Are We Really Getting To The Truth On Benghazi?

In light of the story now floating seemingly aimlessly out in conservative circles that President Obama was and is involved through his administration in gun running for the Al Qaeda backed Hezbollah (not a good look for a supposed anti gun lobbying President) and in light of the suspiciously sudden downfall of his top BengazhiGeneral in a sex scandal (did the FBI have the goods on him to keep Petraeus quiet? Hmmm) not to mention that he left a “gay” man whom he had appointed as his ambassador to Libya (I wonder how he goes down with the sodomite brigade?) maybe it is time people started really asking the questions put forth by The Independent Sentinel

The WH has not been forthcoming. They released minimal information in piecemeal fashion and some government officials blatantly lied without suffering any repercussions. The most important questions have gone unanswered and the administration refuses to provide answers.

Consider the questions that are left unanswered:

Who came up with the video story and why was it repeated at the UN and in ads in Pakistan when the WH knew within 24 hours that it was a terror attack? Why did Hillary tell Ty Woods’ father that she would have the movie producer arrested when she knew it was a terror attack at the time?

Who changed the talking points used by Susan Rice? She had access to all the accurate information, so why did she repeat what she knew to be inaccurate?

Why did it take President Obama until mid-November to admit he sent Susan Rice out to relay the faux talking points on the Sunday News Shows on September 16th?

Why did our President not follow up on this attack given a US Ambassador was involved? He never even made a call to find out what happened. Where was Hillary Clinton during this attack?

James Clapper testified before Congress that he did not know who changed the talking points. He later said that someone in his office changed the talking points.

Hillary Clinton said they did not have the information in real time, but Charlene Lamb, deputy assistant secretary of state for international programs in the Bureau of Diplomatic Security, said they did have information in real time and were in almost constant contact from early on in the attack.

Why did it take the FBI weeks to get to the site and why was the FBI investigating and not the CIA since this was not a criminal matter, but rather a terrorist attack?

Why isn’t Congress being allowed to interview the survivors and why are they being refused critical documents? What happened to our balance of powers?

Why was there no retaliation or response against the terrorists from the administration as promised? Why did we ignore the suspect arrested in Tunisia?

Why were we told officials were fired for the Benghazi affair when they were merely transferred or furloughed?

The report by the Accountability Review Board harshly criticized the State Department and cited systemic failures, but Hillary Clinton was and is being praised for her her work as head of state. How is this possible?

The response as to why the consulate was left undefended prior to the attack is inadequate. Blaming funding problems when there were sufficient funds and saying it was a mistake doesn’t cut it. The administration knew there were terrorist training camps in the vicinity.

Time to get real serious, don’t you think?


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